Time to Recharge Your Battery in Photography?

by Skip Cohen   At the last minute yesterday, I decided to head to IUSA next weekend. I keep in touch with dozens of photographers weekly, and I felt free of the need to be in Louisville for the convention. But the closer it got to the show, the more I questioned my decision. So often, I forget to practice what I preach. In this case, I need to recharge my battery when it comes to imaging. With a home office and most interaction online, there is no replacement for being together with other photographers, vendors, and friends. My anticipation is almost overwhelming! Just the decision to be at IUSA has created some great energy. So, if you're like me and had decided not to attend, I was surprised that I could lock in decent flights and the hotel this late.  Why IUSA? Well, it's the first big show of the new year for most of you. Next, you need to spend time building your network, and there's no better place than a great convention. With nearly 150 exhibitors, it's an opportunity to check out new products, services, and technology. Plus, PPA's educational platform this year is one of their best yet - it's a chance for you to fine-tune your skill set. Here are just a few reminders if you're heading to the show. Don't be a stormtrooper when it comes to the trade show. Start in one aisle and make it a point to walk the entire show. You'll be surprised at companies you don't know, along with services/products that will make life easier...and more profitable. Get to know at least one person at every company whose products you use. Take a few classes entirely outside your comfort zone...it's the only way you'll grow. Talk to people! I'm not just talking about just the educators but the people sitting on either side of you in any program. Introduce yourself and find out what they do, why they're there, and what their outlook on business is in the new year. Get your credit line before the show! If you're considering new gear, especially high-end, know how much you can spend in advance. And on costly items, check into leasing rather than buying. Leasing allows you to utilize somebody else's assets without depleting your own. Never eat a meal alone! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all opportunities to meet new people and expand your network. Set up social time in advance. Thinking about getting out to dinner with friends? Make some plans in advance. It's so hard to chase down people once you're in full swing at the show. Remember to check out the print exhibit. It's not just about seeing award-winning photography but checking out the trends in printing techniques and styles. WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES! I know this sounds pretty basic, but working a show effectively isn't about fashion. You're going to be on your feet all day! ​ I'd love to catch up with any of you headed to the show - look for me at the Platypod booth 1226,  Marathon booth 727 or just out and about on the trade show floor. ​